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1月, 2024の投稿を表示しています

新春の募集 2024

先週末は共通テストでした。ありがたいことに、佐賀はお天気に恵まれました。教室の生徒さんも受験されました。受験されたみなさん、おつかれさまでした。 教室では、春に向けて下記のとおり生徒募集をします。 火曜日 18:00-19:00 マンツーマン指導 土曜日 17:00-18:00 マンツーマン指導 入会金 10000円 月謝 高校2年生程度まで 14000円 / 高校3年生(受験指導) 16000円 / 英検準1級 18000円 平日と土曜日のいちばん遅い時間帯のレッスンです。社会人の方もどうぞご検討ください。無料体験レッスンは こちら からお申し込みください。  受験生のみなさんが、二次試験でも実力を出し切れますように☆彡

Happy New Year 2024!

Happy New Year!  I hope 2024 will be a great year for everyone especially those who have been affected by the earthquake. I would like to introduce Yutoku Inari Shrine in Kashima City in Saga Prefecture because it is perfect to begin the new year. The shrine was built in 1687 and attracts about 3 million visitors every year. It is known as one of the powerful spiritual sites in Japan. Inari Shrine enshrines the god of business. I went there on January 8, expecting there would be not so many people since the first three days of the new year were already passed when most people visit shrines. However, the shrine was more crowded than my expectation. I had to wait in a line for my turn to pray at the main hall. I also visited the inner sanctuary for the first time which is located on the top of a mountain behind the main hall. Although there were handrails, the stone steps leading up to it were quite steep and uneven. I rested for a while at a bench on the way. I was surprised to find...