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6月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

Shiba Ryotaro Memorial Museum

The gate of the Museum In addition to watching  Bunraku , there was one more thing I wanted to do in Osaka: to visit 司馬遼太郎記念館, Shiba Ryotaro Memorial Museum, in Higashi Osaka City. 司馬遼太郎, Shiba Ryotaro, (1923-1996) was a historical fiction writer who dealt with various themes not only about Japan but also Asia such as samurais maneuvering to gain power, Meiji Restoration, Russo-Japanese War and the establishment of Han Dynasty of China. His works are so popular that his historical view has influenced many Japanese. For this reason, he was sometimes criticized that he only wrote the bright side of history. Throughout his works, he had tried to discover what a human being is, focusing mainly on Japanese people. His experience as a solder in WWⅡ had him rethink about his people and country. He had to join the army when he was a university student. He was a tanker stationed at Tochigi Prefecture in preparation for America's attack on the mainland Japan. He asked his boss w...

First Bunraku Experience

Program poster at the Theater An earthquake with an intensity of six lower hit Osaka this morning around 8 am. I hope the damages won't be great. Let's be kind to each other to stay positive. Do you know Bunraku ? Bunraku is a Japanese traditional puppet play designated as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 2003. Last week, I went to the National Bunraku Theater in Osaka to see an event for adult Bunraku beginners. In the first part, a rakugo story teller, Katsura Kaishi, led guests to explore basics: narrative, shamisen music, puppets and puppeteers. The latter part was a play  絵本太功記 尼崎の段 夕顔棚の段  (Ehon-taikoki  Amagasaki-no-dan & Yugaodana-no-dan). This play was first performed in 1799. It was a story about a samurai who killed his lord. He was strongly blamed by his mother who hoped to lighten his son's sin. The samurai had a son who was severely injured in the battle where he tried to help his father. The samurai finally accepted t...


きのうは2018年度第1回の英検でした。 教室の生徒さんは、準1級と4級をそれぞれ受験。 受験されたみなさま、おつかれさまでした。 緊張されたでしょう。まずは一息ついて二次試験がある級は、もうひとがんばり! さて、マンツーマンクラスの追加募集をお知らせします。 生徒さんの時間割を調整をした結果、下記日時のレッスンが可能になりました。 水曜日 18:10~19:10 マンツーマンクラス 対象は高校生以上、月謝は14000円です。 平日の夕方、いちばん遅い時間帯のクラスです。 ご希望でしたら、小中学生も指導いたします。 この春、体験レッスンをお受けになった高校生で 土曜日はクラブの試合等で受講が難しく、平日夕方を希望された方が複数おられました。 週末お忙しい高校生の方、どうぞご検討ください。 マンツーマンですので、人目を気にせず、苦手なところをじっくり学習できます。 もちろん多読も指導します。 無料体験レッスンをご希望の方は、ホームページの  メール  からお申込みください。 The more you read, the better you understand English:)