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Shiba Ryotaro Memorial Museum

The gate of the Museum
In addition to watching Bunraku, there was one more thing I wanted to do in Osaka: to visit 司馬遼太郎記念館, Shiba Ryotaro Memorial Museum, in Higashi Osaka City.

司馬遼太郎, Shiba Ryotaro, (1923-1996) was a historical fiction writer who dealt with various themes not only about Japan but also Asia such as samurais maneuvering to gain power, Meiji Restoration, Russo-Japanese War and the establishment of Han Dynasty of China.

His works are so popular that his historical view has influenced many Japanese.
For this reason, he was sometimes criticized that he only wrote the bright side of history.

Throughout his works, he had tried to discover what a human being is, focusing mainly on Japanese people. His experience as a solder in WWⅡ had him rethink about his people and country.

He had to join the army when he was a university student. He was a tanker stationed at Tochigi Prefecture in preparation for America's attack on the mainland Japan. He asked his boss what he should do in the attack if fleeing local people were in their way. The boss's reply shocked him to the core: run over them.

He thought Japanese people were so foolish; at the same time, he hoped the ancestors shouldn't have been. Then his odyssey of history started. 

I have read some of his books. My favorite is 龍馬がいく(Ryoma ga iku) . Ryoma was a samurai in the 19th century who found a way to restore political power to the emperor. Thanks to his effort, Meiji Restoration was accomplished without prolonged battles.

I bought one of his books at the museum, 21世紀を生きる君たちへ, To You Who will Live in the 21st Century, where he passed his hopes onto next generations. Some Japanese textbooks for elementary students employed essays from the book.

I hope this book will also inspire my students.

Shiba Ryotaro's Study
For those who look for hotels in Osaka, Hotel Sunroute Osaka Namba where I stayed could be one of your choices. It is conveniently located, only a 3-minute walk to the Dotonbori area, and offers various foods for breakfast.

The breakfast buffet included okonimiyaki, takoyaki and mixed fruit juice which are Osaka institution. I ate there two days and even though some dishes were changed, they offered the Osaka local food each day. 

I hope Osaka will survive the earthquake and revive soon.




教室の生徒さんが英検準1級合格により、佐賀県教育長表彰を受けられました。 おめでとうございます! 11月1日に佐賀県庁で表彰式がありました。 佐賀新聞によると2018年上半期に優秀な成績を残した14団体65名が受賞。 実はこのような表彰があると知りませんでした。 なので吉報を きいてびっくり、 そして感無量。 小学4年生から指導をさせていただいている生徒さんです。 その間、英検の不合格が続いたりうまくいかないこともありましたが、 公に認めてもらえたことは、大学受験を控えた生徒さんにとって力になったと思います。 どんなに学校と部活が忙しくても、 レッスンに送り出してこられた保護者の方にも頭が下がります。 結局は、それでもやる人に、 そしてやるなら自分なりの意味を見つける人に、 結果がついてくるような気がします。 英語学習を単語や文法で無味乾燥にしてしまうなんてもったいない。 多読を続けて結果を手にした生徒さんに、心からの拍手を送ります。


6月です。英検の時期がやってきました! 2024年度から英検に書き問題が追加されます。3級は新たにメール返信問題がふえました。 以下は私が考えた例題です。 15~25語で友達から来たメールの返事を書きます。友達の質問に自分が考えて、-----のところを書く設定です。実際の答えは解答欄に書きます。 <友達からのメール> Hi,  Thank you for your email. I heard you had a family trip. I want to know more about it. Where did you go? And what did you do there? Your friend, Chris <返信(例)23語> Hi, Chris! Thank you for your email.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I went to Hokkaido with my family. I visited a beautiful blue pond and took many pictures there. I enjoyed nature in Hokkaido.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best wishes, いかがでしたか? 受験されるみなさんが、最善を尽くせますように♡

Happy 2025!

Happy New Year 2025 ♡ I hope you all had great holidays!  During Christmas, I visited Okinawa. Here are some I would like to share with you. The picture above shows traditional dance "Yotsutake" which used to be performed at the palace in Okinawa during the Ryukyu Kingdom (1429-1879) to entertain delegates from China.  I saw ten dance performances at a restaurant Urashima in Naha City where I also enjoyed local food, including pig ear (the white dish in the photo below). I was bit worried about whether I could eat it, but it turned out to be delicious enough with a savory peanut flavor. I wouldn't have realized it was pig ear if I hadn't been told.  The sashimi was fresh from the Naha Port. Orion Beer was a local brand and I ordered a non-alcoholic one. Customers were allowed to take pictures and videos of the performances and we could even take photos with the dancers after the show. The food and performances exceeded my expectations. On top of that, the attitude of ...