今日は、英検の二次試験、面接の日でした。 佐賀ではお昼くらいから雨がふりだし、肌寒いです。準2級を受験した生徒さんは風邪気味でしたが、受験日までに回復されました。よかった、よかった。 直前のレッスンでは、絵を説明する問題と自分の考えを述べる問題を練習しました。面接は入室から退室まで10分くらいなので、すばやく自分の考えをまとめて話す必要があります。 このすばやさも、求められている英語力のひとつ。調べれば、準備すれば、言えるのではなく、自分がもってる英語力をいかにはやく引っぱりだせるか。 教室の生徒さんだけではなく、受験されたみなさんが、今夜はほっと一息つけますように。 おつかれさまでした!
I’ve head team Lab's exhibitions are popular not only to Japanese people but also to foreign tourists visiting Japan. One of their exhibitions is being held in Saga until November 4. Even though I have little knowledge of art, I had wanted to see it with my own eyes. Luckily, I visited "team Lab: A Forest Where Gods Live - GC" at Mifuneyama Rakuen in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture last week. Entering through Gate 1 at 5 pm, I explored the park struggling up and down steep bumpy paths. I found contemporary art hard to grasp, and there were moments that left me puzzled. However, during twilight, surrounded by trees and witnessing the crimson sky peeking through overlapping branches, I felt as if I had wandered into another world. It was already dark when I reached a cave and the 500 Arhats, which gave me chills. At the pond, it was strange to see a small boat gliding over its projected surface. What I regretted was that I missed the "Megaliths in the Ruined Bathhouse.&q